Marine debris gathering with sustainable navigation and eco-snorkeling activities along with Spontex and Newell Brands


Spontex is a company committed to the marine environment. They were looking for a partner with which to organize a CSR campaign to raise awareness about current problems in marine ecosystems and create a positive impact on them. At the same time, they were looking for something that would raise awareness among the team itself and strengthen the ties between its members.

For the third consecutive year, we were hired to organize an awareness workshop on the marine environment and two activities: Eco Snorkeling and Sustainable Navigation.

These two activities were carried out with the purpose of collecting all possible waste and also being in direct contact with the marine environment. A digital campaign was also organized on social networks to raise awareness among its audience and promote citizen action.

Interested in organizing a project with us?

Book a call or send us an email to start navigating together.

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