Marine debris gathering and teambuilding activities with Amazon Spain


Once again, the Amazon Spain team counted on us to carry out a marine debris gathering campaign on the beach in Barcelona with one of our collaborators (Anèl·lides) to raise awareness about the state of marine ecosystems and improve their condition.

The activity involved an awareness day aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 13 and 14. The main objective was twofold: strengthen the team through a teambuilding dynamic combined with this collection and generate a positive impact on the environment thanks to the joint efforts of Amazon, Oceanogami, and its network of collaborators.

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Other Projects

A short film raising awareness about single-use plastics and their environmental problems
Collecting microplastics with Surfing for Science
The-cluster-project-Oceanogami (1)
CLUSTER project entrepreneurship training for women and young people in the Mediterranean to develop sustainable businesses


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